Jesse Draek Larsen
Born April 9, 2013
7 lb. 15 oz.
He is such a good little boy and we can't imagine life without him now. The past month has been so much fun learning and adjusting to being parents. I feel so blessed to be a mom.
When he was just 6 days old we were brave and went to a newborn photo shoot. Here are a few pictures from the shoot. (Thanks to Caralee Case for her awesome photos!
He is 10 lb. 6 oz.
Loves to swing
Likes going on walks with mommy (we're training for a 10k)
Is starting to smile
Sleeps between 5-7 hours at night (YES!)
Loves to snuggle
And is super good at holding up his head.
Again, I feel so blessed to be the mom to Draek and wife to Jesse. I have the best boys in my life and I am so lucky to have them!